about me
The Agreeable Aesthetic
the end of the tea cup
I paint; therefore, I am
judgement of the beautiful
about colour
why the brillo box
from modern to postmodern art
the end of art
empathy for art
the sublime
form is emptiness
postmodern philosophy (in brief)
curating as art
postmodern culture and hyperreality
art as a social institution
the spectator in the picture
art and emotion - Tolstoy
the art of the readymade
art as amusement
fine art and genius
deduction of taste
aristotle and katharsis
expression and imagination (in brief)
collingwood’s expressivism
living life as an artist
Derrida, deconstruction and postmodernism
michel foucault on painting
montage verses long shot (film)
film as art - the 'auteur'
andy warhol interview 1963
an introduction to structuralism
modernist art: medium and flatness
modernism and formalism
post painterly abstraction
abstract expressionism
expression theory of art
perspective needed - feminism's lie
what is representation
introduction to metaphor and continental philosophy
who killed the sex symbol
ways of seeing - the nude
roger fry - formalism
queer theory
bisexuality; Foucault; Butler
Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon
the chthonian apollonian cat
freud and the medusa's head
tolstoy - what is art?
free speech and postmodernism
art as craft
after abstract expressionism
modern and postmodern
abstract, representational and so forth
the crisis of the easel picture
aesthetic distance
observations on aesthetic distance
painting elements
About me
an interest in the history and philosophy of art
peer reviewed literature, essays and editorials
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