recommended reading

Adam and Eve After the Pill

Mary Eberstadt

Aesthetics : A Critical Anthology

Richard J. Sclafani / George Dickie / Ronald Roblin

Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art (Oxford Paperbacks) 

Anne Sheppard

A Handbook Of Greek Sculpture

Ernest Gardner

A History Of Sculpture

Ernest H Short

Alcamenes And The Establishment Of The Classical Type In Greek Art

Charles Walston

Ancient Sculpture

George Redford

A Nietzsche Reader

R.J. Hollingdale


Clive Bell

Art & Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation

E.H. Gombrich

Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation (Art Criticism and Theory)

Brian Wallis 

Art and American Culture

Camille Paglia

Art and Culture

Clement Greenberg

Art And Experience In Classical Greece

J J Pollitt

Art and the Creative Unconscious

Erich Neumann

Art in Theory; 1900 - 1990 An Anthology of Changing Ideas

Charles Harrison, Paul Wood

A Vindication of Women Rights

Mary Wollstonecraft

Beauty and Art

Elizabeth Prettejohn

Beginning Postmodernism

Tim Woods

But Is It Art?: An Introduction to Art Theory

Cynthia Freeland

Cezanne A Study of His Development

Fry Roger

Classic Art; An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance

Heinrich Wolfflin

Concerning the Spiritual in Art

Wassily Kandinksy

Critique of Judgement

Immanuel Kant

Democracy and its Critics

Robert Dahl

Derrida and the End of History

Stuart Sim

Explaining Postmodernism

Stephen R.C. Hicks

Flesh And The Ideal Winckelmann and the Origins of Art History

Alex Potts

Free Women, Free Men; Sex, Gender, Feminism

Camille Paglia

Germaine Gréer on Rape

Germaine Gréer

Glittering Images

Camille Paglia

Greek Bronzes

A S Murray

Greek Sculpture

Nigel Spivey

Greek Sculpture

Rhys Carpenter

Greek Sculpture And Modern Art

Charles Waldstein

Greek Sculpture The Archaic Period

John Boardman

Inside The White Cube

Brian O'Doherty 

Jacques Derrida

Nicholas Royale

Language An Introduction To The Study Of Speech

Edward Sapir

Last Lectures Roger Fry

Roger Fry

Language and Sexual Difference

Susan Sellers


Edmund Leach

Methods and Theories of art History

Anne D'Alleva

Past Masters; Kant

Roger Scruton

Philosophy of the Arts; an Introduction to Aesthetics

Gordon Graham

Poetics (Penguin Classics)


Pollock And After: The Critical Debate

Francis Frascina

Post-Structualism and Postmodernism

Madan Sarup

Postmodern Condition

Jean-Francois Lyotard

Principles of Art History

Heinrich Wolfflin

Provocations: Collected Essays on Art, Feminism, Politics 

Camille Paglia

Reception Theory A Critical Introduction

Robert C Holub

Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Nietzsche on Art

Aaron Ridley


Jonathan Culler

Sculptures And Physicians In With Century Greece

Guy P R Metraux

Sexual Personae; Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickerson

Camille Paglia


Jean Baudrillard


John Sturrock

Structuralism An Introduction

David Robey

Structuralism And Semiotics

Terrance Hawkes

Structuralism And Since from Levi Strauss to Derrida

John Sturrock

Studies In Iconology: Humanistic Themes In The Art Of The Renaissance

Erwin Panofsky

The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women

Naomi Wolf

The Birds

Camille Paglia

The Collected Essays and Criticism

Clement Greenberg

The Death of the Author

Roland Barthes

The End of Art Theory

Victor Burgin

The Framework Of Language

Roman Jakobson

The Greek Tradition In Sculpture

Walter Raymond Agard

The Last Lectures

Roger Fry

The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity

Douglas Murray

The Nude; a Study of Ideal Art

Kenneth Clark

The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Non-Believer

Christopher Hitchens

The Principles of Art

R.G. Collingwood

The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics

Berys Gaut and Dominic Mclver Lopes

The Sculpture And Sculptors Of The Greeks

Gisela M A Richter

The Second Sex

Simone de Beauvoir

The Severe Style In Greek Sculpture

Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

The Story of Art

Ernst H Gombrich

Three Critical Periods in Greek Sculpture

Gisela M A Richter

Tradition of the New

Harold Rosenberg

Warning To The West

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Ways of Seeing

John Berger

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